control / chaos


oil pastel on leather
available for auction @veeveeveevee

___: "i'm like oh god what is she gonna say. she was like 'we were talking the other day about how ___ once said she'd wear black until there was anything darker.' [whispers] but i never said that"
all: hahaha +++: "i saw your face. i was like yeah i was like she didn't say that"
___: "i was mortified, but wait people were talking about this. i guess this is working if people are quoting things i've never said before"
+++: "so that i can say ___ once said 'i'd like to upload ####'s brain into my vagina"
___: "yup, that's totally what i wanna do"
+++: "i totally get you, i feel similarly. although it's spiky and a little difficult, i too would upload ####'s brain into my vagina"
___: "she's crazy. well you know when you meet someone and you're like bitch…how did you get that smart? like…she grew up TWO miles from me, did you know that?"
___: "ok how would you explain ####? she's 36, doesn't look a day over 25, thick black hair TO HER ASS, bangs, full sleeve tattoos, wears stilettos and like…"
+++: "every fuckin day!"
___: "and will wax poetic about Weber any day, and Foucault"
+++: "you wanna break down theodor adorno? this lady is gonna take it line by line, is fuckin gonna tear it inside out and figure out the places where she can make this network of information"
___"that will make you cry. everything."
+++: "can swear, can laugh, can get to the verge of tears and you still think this is probably the most intelligent person you can think of in the last decade…and you're just like why do you have to be sexy on top of it?"
***: "omg i wanna sit in on her class!!"
___: "you should!"
***: "omg i wanna sit on her face"
all: ahahahaha


+++: "It was super intense the whole time. The whole class basically was about absurd stuff, absurd stuff like repetition. Repetition as a way that we figure out how we are, who we are. The whole time I'm looking at her like ??? [puzzled look]."
___: "She can get vulnerable though. That's the thing about her is she's super vulnerable and she'll laugh and kind of make goofy jokes and like eat cheetos in front of me."
+++: "This woman has charmed herself into the position that she's in. There is no reason she should be where she is. She is SO charismatic. And that's totally relevant, that's perfect. She totally deserves it. On the other hand, I took a class with a good friend of hers [she's brought in a few of her friends over time]. Her friend Gavin, he's really intelligent, however he's not as charismatic.
___: "Dry toast."
+++: "I totally loved working with him because for me, I don't NEED that to get enrichment from something charmed. I finally had a talk with him and told him I can't believe everyone is infatuated by her. And he's like 'yeah, that's ####.' And it makes you realize it is about how you position yourself. It is those fucking four inch heels. It is that corseted, gorgeous, constructed…"
___: "To class. On a Friday."
+++: "…outfit, you know. It is all of these things, it's not just that she's really brilliant. It's the complete package that makes us all pant like dogs cuz we're art students."